Crawler Cranes
We work with crawler cranes with capacities ranging from 25 to 90 tons. We use these to install sheet piling. The maximum pile plank length we have installed is no less than 36 metres! The crawler cranes are used for activities such as the installation and the extraction of sheet piling, steel tubes, steel H sections and the extraction of concrete and wooden piles. Here you can find a video impression of our (heavy) crawler crenes.

Hydraulic cranes
Sterk can justifiably call itself a specialist in the area of hydraulic cranes. Our company has developed and improved a number of hydraulic cranes in-house. At present, we are operating hydraulic cranes ranging from 55 to 70 tonnes, allowing us to put planks into place of up to 20 metres in length. Both cranes can be deployed with the greatest speed and are notable for their high productivity. Here are videos of our PMI and ETEC.

Leader-guided cranes
These cranes can be deployed for a variety of applications. For example, we use the Woltman chiefly to install sheet piling by means of (static) pressure. We can also vibrate sheet piling with our pressure rig. The crane drives the vibratory hammer, making a separate power pack next to the crane unnecessary. We are able to guide the sheet piling even better owing to the vibratory hammer being attached to the leader (leader-guided). This allows us to install long pile planks with less weight. The leader guide also allows us to position the sheet piling where there is only a small amount of clearance. Here is video of our fixed-leader Woltman.

Vibratory hammers
A vibratory hammer sets an element in motion in order to reduce soil resistance in the surrounding soil. In many cases, the use of vibratory equipment is simpler than the most conventional techniques and, moreover, it saves both time and expense. Sterk has a wide range of vibratory hammers at its disposal. All are high-frequency and employ variable moment technology. The vibratory hammer and related power level most appropriate for your project will depend in part on the foundation material to be installed, the soil conditions and whether structures are present in the immediate vicinity. Click here for an overview of our cranes and vibratory hammers.